Continuous Epidural Trays (Kits)

Perifix® Epidural Trays including Lidocaine with Epinephrine (Test Dose) – Choose the Set that Fits Your Need

As the U.S. market leader in regional anesthesia1, B. Braun offers the broadest variety of standard epidural sets, as well as standard/custom single dose and continuous epidural tray configurations- with the quality you trust.

Perifix Epidural Sets:

Convert your existing epidural tray to fit to a special procedure or to temporarily use a different type of catheter or needle, with one of our sets. Sets contain an epidural needle, catheter and catheter connector.

Perifix Single Dose and Continuous Epidural Trays:

B. Braun’s single dose and continuous epidural trays come in three tray classes:

  • Basic trays are the most cost-effective option by reducing tray components to the essentials, without drugs or saline.
  • Intermediate trays offer all the components of a basic tray with the convenience of Lidocaine (1%) 5ml (skin wheal) and saline.
  • Full trays provide maximum convenience and include Lidocaine (1%), 5ml (skin wheal), Lidocaine HCl (1.5%) with Epinephrine, 5ml (Test Dose), a saline ampule, antibacterial filtration and more drape options.

Our continuous epidural tray portfolio includes several different catheter options to fit your needs.

1. 2020Q4 All Regional Anesthesia Products: Total Market HC & OPM Dollars (GHX, IQVIA [MDSA] & B. Braun Data On File).

Perifix® FX Procedure Video

How to use B. Braun's Perifix FX Springwound Epidural Catheter andEspocan® CSE Needle